Abstract submission is closed.
Abstract Submission Extened 26th January 2018.
PLD2018 website open.
The conference will include both oral and poster presentations. Well-known experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs from all over the world will give excellent invited talks. Accepted and presented, your paper will be considered to be published by SPIE.
The proposed program for this symposium is scheduled for three days, enabling the participants to have an open exchange of their ideas through active participation and contributions.
Click a conference title below to view the call for papers or to submit an abstract. View Proceedings from last year.
SPIE conference papers are published in the Proceedings of SPIE and available via the SPIE Digital Library, the world’s largest collection of optics and photonics research.
The Proceedings are indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, Ei Compendex, Inspec, Google Scholar, Astrophysical Data System (ADS), DeepDyve, ReadCube, CrossRef, and other scholarly indexes, and are widely accessible to leading research organizations, conference attendees, and individual researchers.
Submit Abstract by 14 December 2017
Abstract Submission Extened 26th January 2018.
PLD 2018 is a part of large group of conferences of OPIC meeting including 14 conferences related to Photonics. Attendee to PLD meeting is allowed to attend other meetings and a large Optics Photonics International Exhibition (OPIE) 2018 held at the same place.
Takahisa JitsunoOsaka Univ.(Japan)
Jianda ShaoShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (China)
Wolfgang RudolphThe Univ. of New Mexico (USA)