On behalf of the Conference Chairs and the International Program Committee, we invite you to participate by submitting your abstract to the Pacific-Rim Laser Damage Symposium: Optical Materials for High Power Lasers. We are organizing a leading international conference, like SPIE Laser Damage in Boulder, Colorado, for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the fields of optical materials for high power lasers. We also intend to provide an excellent opportunity for researchers to communicate efficiently and to exchange information on new problems, solutions, and technologies in the field of laser damage as well as optical materials. We hope that this conference will contribute to enhancement of understanding and facilitate closer collaborations among participating researchers.
We urge you to participate by submitting your abstracts, and to encourage your colleagues to do the same.
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University SIOM – Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (China)
Cooperating Organizations
Institute for Laser Technology Laser Society of Japan
Japan Laser Processing Society